
Serving My Supervisor

I ought to confess right off that "supervisor" is just my fancy title for my Aunt Tara. She is one of the teachers at WCS, and as such, really needs a down day (or hour, even!) every now and then. My visit gave her two reasons to have a few down days: 1. my help in and outside of her classroom sped up the work and she was able to leave earlier than usual from the school more often than not, and 3. she REALLY wanted to show off her pretty town to me. ;)

One Saturday Aunt Tara and Sarina (who also could use more down days than she normally gets), Brittany and Gary (two of the head pastor's kids; Gary is a student at WCS, and Brittany is near my age), and Andrew (another WCS student), and I went hiking.

[Off we go!]

[Snow Canyon Overlook ahead! (Brittany)]

[Aunt Tara at the overlook (Brittany)]

[Aunt Tara and me! (Brittany)]

[...and from my angle!]

[What a view of God's unique deserty creation in the southern end of Utah:]


[Don't look down!]